Aminet 14
Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso
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498 lines
include 'tclib2.i' ; some usefull macro-definitions, see there
TCLIB_SUBID_FLRQ = 'FLRQ' ; filerequester
TCLIB_SUBID_CRYP = 'CRYP' ; crypt-library
TCLIB_SUBID_OBJT = 'OBJT' ; object-library
TCLIB_SUBID_FNCT = 'FNCT' ; user-funtions
TCLIB_SUBID_MCRO = 'MCRO' ; user-macros
* IMPORTANT: All routines may only change d0-d1/a0-a1, all other registers
* have to be preserved!
LONG tclib_header ; moveq #-13,d0 or $70F34E75
; rts
; if user tries to start this file!
LONG tclib_id ; TCLIB_ID ('TCLB')
LONG tclib_subid ; one of the TCLIB_SUBID's declared above
WORD tclib_version
WORD tclib_revision
LONG tclib_name ; *text with short description of this lib
LONG tclib_ver ; *ver_text
LONG tclib_author ; *text with your name
LONG tclib_flags ; reserved, set to 0.l for now
LONG lib_reserved1
LONG lib_reserved2
LONG tclib_init ;INIT: routine is called on startup, return one of:
; 0: if installed correctly
; 1: can't use: remove - try to load next time
; -1: impossible to use: remove & don't try
; to load this lib again
LONG tclib_exit ;END: routine is called before TurboCalc ends
; free all allocated mem & other resources
LONG tclib_flush ;FLUSH: routine is called when TurboCalc runs
; runs short of memory.
; lib is asked to free (temporarily) unused
; memory (not used up to now, simply set to 0.l)
LONG tclib_method ; Global routine for all purposes, called with
; method (what shall be done?) and data.
; Isn't currently used. (Simply set to 0)
LABEL tclib_rout1 ; Here the type-specific routines start, they are
; defined in the type-specific description below.
LONG libfr_filereq ; open window & ask for filename
; error=filereq(filename, title_text, screen, pattern, flags)
; a0 a1 a2 a3 a4
; para: a0: *filename (200 chars reserved, both for old and
; for new filename, if returning d0=0)
; a1: *title_text
; a2: *screen (or 0.l for workbench)
; a3: *pattern
; d0: flags (bit0: save, bit1:drawer_only)
; (drawer_only isn't needed up to now!)
; return: d0: 0=ok (filename is changed)
; 1=abort
; -1=serious error (e.g. no mem)
; (in this case a simple string-
; filerequester will appear)
LONG liboc_nextclass
; *next object-class (used by TC to keep list of all classes)
; should be set to 0.l
; (or to pointer on next object-class. This way you
; can store multiple classes in one tclib! Last class
; must have 0.l then!)
LONG liboc_classtext
; *short_text (null-terminated), is object-description
; This text will be shown in the <Data-Create Object>-Requester!
LONG liboc_classid
; This field contains up to 4 chars with an id for this
; objectclass (thus it should be unique). It is used to
; select and define a specific objectclass (for loading/
; saving or with the OBJECT-macro)
; If the text has less then 4 chars, fill it with \0s
; 'GEL\0', 'IFF\0', 'TEXT', 'CHRT' are used for the intern
; object-classes, 'LOGO' for the extern one.
BYTE liboc_flags0
OBJCLASSFLAGS0_FRAME = 0 ; %00=off, %01=on, %10=3d, %11=3d-2
OBJCLASSFLAGS0_BACKFILL = 2 ; enables backfill of object
OBJCLASSFLAGS0_BACKWHITE = 3 ; backfill with white (instead of grey)
BYTE liboc_flags1
OBJCLASSFLAGS1_EDITTASK = 0 ; call _objectedit from the task not the process
OBJCLASSFLAGS1_ACTIONTASK = 1 ; dito for _objectaction (see tclib.doc)
BYTE liboc_flags2
BYTE liboc_flags3
; object-flags, if not defined below: reserved & set to 0
; liboc_flag0: default-values for new object:
LONG liboc_objectnew
; object, flags = objectnew(num1/num2/*text)
; d0 d1 d0 d1 a0
; generate a new, empty object
; para: d0/d1/a0: number/number/*text
; Normally all three regs are set to 0.l, which asks
; for a default object.
; These paras are set by the macro-command OBJECT to
; allow the creation of a specific object.
; if called with paras, see macro OBJECT
; otherwise all three regs are 0, it would be a good
; idea to return 1 in d1 (to let the user
; configurate his object - if needed)
; return: d0: *object (or 0.l if not possible)
; d1: auto_edit (0=no, 1=call OBJECT_EDIT
; after initialization - if called with default
; paras 0/0/0 the a good idea to return d1=1
; (and thus let the user configurate this object,
; if possible)
; ATTENTION: d0 is used by TC to identify the object
; (of all classes), so d0 should be unique for all classes.
; Thus return a pointer to allocated mem (either with
; exec's or TC's routine!)
LONG liboc_objectduplicate
; object = duplicate(object)
; d0 a0
; Duplicate the object a0 return the new *object in d0
; (or 0.l, if duplication failed)
LONG liboc_objectedit
; redisplay = edit(object)
; d0 a0
; 'edit' the object a0 - e.g. open a requesterto user-change
; object-settings
; para: a0=*object (a3=*sheet, a4=*tcobject, both private!!!)
; return: d0<>0: redisplay as something was changed!
LONG liboc_objectdraw
; draw object a0
; para: a0:*object
; a2: rp
; a6: *GfxBase (simply to make life easier ;^)
; d0-d3: object_box (x1/y1/x2/y2)
; d4: scale (for screen 0.l,
; for printer: lower_word = numerator
; upper_word = denominator
; 'scale' is intended for scaling fonts
; you might prefer to use object_box for that reason
; (e.g. for scaling pictures)
; can be used to scale fonts...
; newsize=oldsize*(d4&0xffff)/(d4>>16)
; or in asm (d0=oldsize)
; tst.l d4
; beq.s noscale
; mulu d4,d0
; swap d4
; divu d4,d0
; swap d4
; noscale:
; d5: flags (currently unused: 0.l)
LONG liboc_objectload
; Create new object by loading it from sheet.
; This is a bit tricky...
; para: d0=0 (or d0=1 & a0=*mem, see iii)
; (a2=*tcobject, a3=*sheet, a4=*load_handle)
; return:
; a0: *object
; d0: flags
; this allows the following tree possibilities:
; i) a0=*object, d0=0 (or d0=1, see iii)
; ii) a0=0.l, d0=0.l: error occured, no object created
; (e.g. no memory)
; iii) a0=0.l, d0=size
; When you return this, TurboCalc reads d0 bytes and
; calls this routine `loboc_objectload' again.
; Create your object from this memory then and
; return it in a0 (case i)
; If you return with a0=object & d0=0, TurboCalc frees
; the allocated memory for you (as TC allocated it)
; If you insist on freeing this piece of memory by your
; routine (e.g. it is exactly your private object-
; structure), then return with d0=1.
; (Remark: This mem is allocated with TC's AllocMemClear!
; your OBJECT_FREE-routine thus must free this mem
; with TC's FreeMem.)
LONG liboc_objectsave
; When TurboCalc saves a sheet (with objects) this routine
; is called for every object.
; para: a0 = object
; d0 = flags, normally 0 (or 1, see iv)!
; (a2=*tcobject, a3=*sheet, a4=*save_handle)
; return: a0 = *block
; d0 = blocksize
; d1 = flags
; You have the following four possibilities:
; i) a0=*mem, d0=size, d1=0.l - don't free mem
; Save size bytes starting at mem, but to not free
; mem (usefull, if you simply return in a0 a pointer
; to your private structure - probably to be used
; with loading-case iii), d0=1 )
; ii) a0=*mem, d0=size, d1=1.l
; Save size bytes starting at mem, and free Mem via
; TurboCalc's FreeMem-Routine - this piece of memory
; thus should be allocated via AllocMem(Clear)
; iii) a0=*mem, d0=size, d1=2.l - free mem via exec's
; Save size bytes starting at mem, and free Mem via
; exec's FreeMem-Routine: _LVOFreeMem(mem,size)
; iv) a0=0.l, d0=size - return size only
; You want to save the object yourself using
; Write_Byte/Word/Long/Size (see below)
; To do this, TurboCalc calls this routine again
; (with para d0=1) after saving the object-header.
; Important: TurboCalc *must* save the object-header
; first, therefore the size must be specified correctly
; 1) set a0=0 & d0=size, return (do *not* write
; in this mode)
; 2) your routine is called again with d0=1
; Now write the size bytes with Write_...
; and return: a0=0.l, d0=0.l
LONG liboc_objectaction
; This routine is called when clicking on the object
; para: d0=mode (0=click on object, 1=double-click)
; d1=flags (for clicking: 0=clicked on object (macro)
; 1=clicked on object (move)
; 2=clicked on 'size'
; bit7: if set: object_back (for 1/2)
; (for double-click: is 0.l up to now)
; a0=object
; return: d0=error (0=ok)
; for double-click: if you return with d0<>0
; the default action (opening the settings-
; requester) isn't done, double-click will
; simple be aborted. This is usefull if you
; want to replace the default double-click-action.
; Return value is only used when OBJCLASSFLAGS1_ACTIONTASK
; is selected. Otherwise it is ignored (as the routine
; is called unsynchronously).
; Inportant: It is possible that (in future) new modes will be
; added. So please check for the current (implemented) modes
; and return d0=0 for the others (and do *not* rely on d0
; being 1 if d0<>0!!!).
; You might do whatever you want (e.g. playing a sample
; for moving/sizing, starting an external program on double-click)
; IF your object has no 'special action' simply omit this
; routine (by setting this pointer to 0.l)
LONG libcrypt_password ; set password for en/decrypting
; para: a0= *string, null-terminated
; either copy this string to your one buffer or
; (even better) use an algorithm to calculate
; real key (e.g. MD5 or CRC)
LONG libcrypt_encrypt ; encrypt block
; para: a0= *block
; d0= length of block (in bytes)
LONG libcrypt_decrypt ; decrypt block
; para: a0= *block
; d0= length of block (in bytes)
LONG libfnc_flags ; reserved, unused, set to 0.l!
LONG libfnc_count ; #routines below (routine0..routinecount-1)
LONG libfnc_defaultroutine
; this routine is called if either d7 >=count or
; libfnc_routine(d7) is 0.l
LONG libfnc_routine0
; LONG libfnc_routine1
; LONG libfnc_routine2
; ...
; LONG libfnc_routine(count-1)
* parameters for all the fnc_routines:
* d0-d1: Value1 (as float)
* d2: Value1 (as long)
* d3-d4: Value2 (as float)
* d5: Value2 (as long)
* d7: routine-offset (0..) If libfnc_routinex is called, this
* is equal to x and thus not needed. If libfnc_defaulroutine
* is called you might need this data.
* a0: String (or 0.l)
* Annotation: The two values are given both as float and as long.
* So you needn't convert them. 'Float' is the first one available
* in {mathieedoubbas/trans, mathieeesingbas/trans, mathffp/trans}
* (thus normally in double-ieee-format!).
* return (for functions):
* d0/d1.l: data (type dependent)
* d2.l type - one of:
TYPE_EMPTY = 0 ; no return value, shouldn't be used!
TYPE_NO = 1 ; dito - please return NUM 0 instead (d0-d2 = 0/0/3)
TYPE_FLOAT = 2 ; d0/d1.l is float as defined above
TYPE_NUM = 3 ; d0.l is long
TYPE_DATE = 4 ; d0.l is date (i.e. long)
TYPE_TIME = 5 ; d0.l is date (i.e. long)
TYPE_BOOL = 6 ; d0.l is bool (0=FALSE, 1=TRUE)
TYPE_TEXT = 7 ; d0=*text (or 0, then is empty text!!!)
TYPE_CELL = 8 ; d0.l=column/d1.l=row (you cannot return this in
; all situatuons)
TYPE_ERROR = 9 ; d0.l=error (1..12)
; with 1=don't know, 2=DIV/0, 3=VERSION
* return (for macros):
* d0.l: error-code (0=ok, other see appendix of TurboCalc manual)
* Hint: As you cannot determine if a macro-command is called as functions
* it is a good idea to return the error code together with d2=TYPE_NUM (3).
* When called as macro, d2 is ignorded, otherwise it is interpreted
* as normal value.
* default parameter for all routines: a5 = *BASE, structure see below
* as mentioned above, a5 (BASE) points to 'global-data-structure'
* containing both useful data and useful routines
* XVECT allocates 6 bytes
* definition of XVECT, XSR, XMP ... see 'tclib2.i'
TurboCalc_Version = -4 ; current revision.w/version.w
TurboCalc_Revision = -2 ; of TurboCalc (starting with 3.01, sorry)
LONG DosBase ; Important: Dos, Gfx & Intuitionbase will
LONG GfxBase ; be set correctly (as TC needs them to work),
LONG IntuitionBase ; but you can't rely on the other libbases.
LONG LayersBase ; They may be zero, if these libs aren't
LONG DiskFontBase ; currently available in the system (e.g.
LONG WBBase ; workbench is closed or KS 1.3 for asl.library)
LONG RexxBase
LONG AmigaGuideBase
LONG LocaleBase
LONG FirstWindow ; private
LONG FirstSheet ; . not even think of touching them!!!
LONG FirstFont ; .
LONG FontList ; .
LONG LocaleCatalog ; .
LONG AmigaGuideHandle ; .
LONG Screen ; private
LONG Com_DiskErrorAdr ; error-routine-adr for Read_ & Write_
; see below!
* some useful routines
* each vector consits of 6 bytes (first two: jmp, then the address)
* call them as you normally call libraries (see macros XSR & XMP above)
* if not mentioned otherwise, only d0-d1/a0-a1 are changed!
XVECT AllocMem ; para: d0 = size, return d0=a0=*mem - flags set
; size is stored by TC & this piece of memory
; will be freed automatically by TC
; (when TC ends and it hasn't been freed yet)
XVECT AllocMemClear ; dito, but memory is cleared
XVECT FreeMem ; para: a0 = *mem, frees with AllocMem allocated
; memory. Size was stored by AllocMem
XVECT DuplicateA0 ; para: a0 =*string (0-terminated mem)
; return: a0=*new piece of mem with the same text
; (allocated with AllocMem)
; changed: only a0 is changed!
* the next tree memory-routines are used for storing small pieces of memory
* they are used for cell-texts, function-texts, cell-information,...
XVECT AllocTEXTMem ; para: d0.l = size, return d0=a0=*mem
XVECT FreeTextMem ; para: a0.l = allocated mem (with AllocTEXTMem!)
XVECT DuplicateTEXT ; para: a0= *string (0-terminated)
; return: a0=*mem (allocated with AllocTEXTMem)
XVECT GetTexta0 ; private
XVECT GetTexta1 ; private
XVECT GetTexta2 ; private
XVECT UpperCaseD0 ; d0.b = UpperCase(d0.b)
XVECT DOS_SendMessage_stack ; private
XVECT IDCMP_SendMessage_stack ; .
XVECT CheckA4_Sheet_getsheet ; . do not use these routines!!!
XVECT CheckA4_Diagram ; .
XVECT CheckA3 ; .
XVECT StartClip ; .
XVECT EndClip ; .
XVECT SetClip ; private
XVECT Call_CDX ; d0/d1=float1, d3/d4=float2, d7=cmd
; for cmd see list below!
* 'get information'-routines (column/row start at 0 for first one!)
* all these routines need parameter a3=*sheet!
XVECT Column_GetEntry ; para: d0=column, return: a0=*column or 0.l
XVECT Column_GetEntry_readonly ; dito, but no creation
XVECT Row_GetEntry ; para: d0=row, return: a0=*row or 0.l
XVECT Row_GetEntry_readonly ; dito, but no creation
XVECT Cell_GetEntry ; para: d0/d1=column/row, return: a0=*cell or 0.l
XVECT Cell_GetEntry_readonly ; dito, but no creation
XVECT Cell_GetInt ; para: d0/d1=column/row
; return: d0=int, d2=TYPE_NUM(3.l) or d2=0 (error)
XVECT Cell_GetFloat ; para: d0/d1=column/row
; return: d0/d1=float, d2=TYPE_FLOAT(2.l) or d2=0 (error)
XVECT Cell_GetText ; para: d0/d1=column/row
; return: a0=*text (allocated with AllocMemClear)
; or 0.l for error!
; (everything will be converted to text!!!)
* loading/saving-routines.
*_Open-Routines change a4 as a private file-handle (containing a buffer,...)
* All other routines need this handle in a4
* Error handling: Except for _Open (and close, where no error can occur)
* the reading/writing routines jump to the adress 'DiskErrorAdr', if
* an error occurs. If you have stored the current stackpointer (a7)
* when calling _Open, you can set it and close the file.
* ..._Byte/Word/Long only change register d0, d1-d7/a0-a6 aren't touched!
XVECT Read_Open_noerror ; d0=0:ok, else error - a4=handle (is returned)
XVECT Read_Close ; close file a4
XVECT Read_Byte ; d0.b = read byte from file a4
XVECT Read_Word ; d0.w
XVECT Read_Long ; d0.l
XVECT Read_Size ; read d0.l bytes to a0.l from file a4
XVECT Read_TestEOF ; d0=0: eof, else not
XVECT Write_Open ; d0=0:ok, else error - a4=handle (is returned)
XVECT Write_Close ; close file a4
XVECT Write_Byte ; write byte d0.b to file a4
XVECT Write_Word ; write word d0.w to file a4
XVECT Write_Long ; write long d0.l to file a4
XVECT Write_Size ; write d0.l bytes from a0.l to file a4
* drawing routines, for all: a2=rp, a6=gfxbase (has to be set!)
XVECT XSetAPen ; a2=rp, a6=gfxbase, d0=color
XVECT XSetAPen_color ; a2=rp, a6=gfxbase, d0=color
XVECT XSetBPen ; a2=rp, a6=gfxbase, d0=color
XVECT XSetBPen_color ; a2=rp, a6=gfxbase, d0=color
XVECT XDrawLine ; a2=rp, a6=gfxbase, d0-d3=x1/y1/x2/y2
**** cmd-values for Call_CDX:
CDX_X: equ $ffffff00 ; used for CDX_Atan+... to get moveq!
CDX_Fix: equ 0
CDX_Flt: equ 1
CDX_Cmp: equ 2
CDX_Tst: equ 3
CDX_Abs: equ 4
CDX_Neg: equ 5
CDX_Add: equ 6
CDX_Sub: equ 7
CDX_Mul: equ 8
CDX_Div: equ 9
CDX_Floor: equ 10
CDX_Ceil: equ 11
CDX_Atan: equ $80
CDX_Sin: equ $81
CDX_Cos: equ $82
CDX_Tan: equ $83
CDX_Sincos: equ $84 ; not possible!
CDX_Sinh: equ $85
CDX_Cosh: equ $86
CDX_Tanh: equ $87
CDX_Exp: equ $88
CDX_Log: equ $89
CDX_Pow: equ $8a
CDX_Sqrt: equ $8b
CDX_Tieee: equ $8c
CDX_Fieee: equ $8d
CDX_Asin: equ $8e
CDX_Acos: equ $8f
CDX_Log10: equ $90